Uzbekistan will set up a cotton commission directly under the President

Uzbek President Vladimir Mirziyoyev presided over a meeting to discuss increasing cotton production and expanding textile exports, according to the Uzbek Presidential network on June 28.

The meeting pointed out that the textile industry is of great significance to ensuring Uzbekistan’s exports and employment. In recent years, black cotton spinning industry has made considerable achievements. Nearly 350 large factories are in operation; Compared with 2016, product output increased by four times and export volume increased by three times to reach 3 billion US dollars. 100% reprocessing of cotton raw materials; 400,000 jobs have been created; The industrial cluster system has been fully implemented in the industry.

He proposed the creation of a cotton Commission under the president, headed by the Minister of Innovation and Development. The commission’s responsibilities include annual identification of high-yield and early maturing cotton varieties planted in various states and clusters; According to the local climate and temperature changes to formulate the corresponding fertilization program; Regulating the use of herbicides and pesticides; Develop pest and disease control technologies suitable for local conditions. At the same time, the committee will set up a research center.

In order to improve production efficiency and further expand exports, the meeting also proposed the following requirements: developing a dedicated electronic platform that can be incorporated into all drip irrigation equipment suppliers, creating a transparent system and reducing equipment procurement costs; Strengthen the legal guarantee for cluster activities, requiring each district administrative unit to set up no more than 2 clusters; The ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade will be responsible for attracting foreign companies and well-known brands to participate in production. Provide subsidies of no more than 10% to textile export enterprises; Organize special flights for foreign brands to transport finished products; $100 million to the Export Promotion Agency to subsidize the leasing of overseas warehouses by exporters; Simplifying tax and customs procedures; Strengthen personnel training, integrate textile Light Industry College and WUHAN textile Technology Park, implement dual system training program from the new academic year.

Post time: Jul-29-2022